martes, 8 de junio de 2010


Gualupita BETTER KNOWN AS "THE LAND OF Sarapo" MEANING OF GUADALUPE YANCUICTLALPAN Yancuictlalpan Guadalupe is a town belonging to the Municipality of Santiago Tianguistenco, State of Mexico. "The name of this universal and indigenous population is composed of two words: the first refers to the knowledge of the Virgin of Guadalupe to the Christian world, especially in Catholic countries in Latin America, and that literally means: Guadalupe is the name of Arab origin, consisting of two roots equal to the Rio Guadalquivir, Upen-like birth, so is River of Light. " The second word "Yancuictlalpan is pre-Hispanic Nahuatl consists of three roots: New meaning Yancuic, which means Earth Tlalli Pan means in or on, its translation into Spanish means" on New Earth. "

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